Be Kind


Today I challenge you to be kind in your heart moving your thoughts to a loving thought.

These are times where many opportunities of negativity  are available to partake of. If we choose to shift our view, leading with kindness, we may find our health in our mind, emotions and body begin to balance. To thrive even. We may find that we are available to uplifting positive  solutions, letting go of the fear or fight or against-ness we tend to run inside.

We have choice, even if another chooses anger we have a choice to be kind to ourselves and through kindness we create. Instead of moving the walls in and going negative, we open our hearts to  Loving inside ourselves. This will take practice and even when we get upset, we can love that part in us. Once it is heard in Loving, not anger and righteousness, we open to letting go and inspiration of love comes present. You will notice relaxation in your very Breath. This is Divine Breath.

You are Beloved . Take a chance and open to this, it is not about denying what you are experiencing . What you  experience is all about how you are with what is going on inside you. That is the experience.

Be Kind to yourself, listen inside, nurture in Kindness. When you are upset be willing to heal through love, conflict brings more conflict. It is a focus a choice, not a denial. You must allow all of the parts of you that are hurt or upset to stand in the Light the loving for the freedom to surface in Healing. There is no shame in any of it.

Be kind…Just see what manifest in you, as you choose your path in each Breath, choose Love, even when it is hard to understand that it is present. Just shift to you inside, and love you, be kind. Calm will settle. Breathe in Love Breathe out stress, Breathe in Love, Breathe out continue as needed. You lift and open and flow is present again.

Love is available in it all.

Happy Tuesday.


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