Spring Refresh Inner and Outer

Although we are still in February , the signs of Spring are surfacing inside and out.

We renew by letting go of things in our closets and making room for new. Completing things that have been hanging on to do.

We also have inner situations, feelings and old patterns known and unknown that are ready to be renewed into loving flow. The changes are always from inside. The outer will come into a greater flow than you have allowed, when you let go of the narrow view that holds into a smaller world inside, believing this keeps you safe. Love is infinite. We are made of this infinite love and all creation is of and in this flow of Divine Love.

Are you allowing the things that restrict to be your guide in your life? This can be subtle and not so subtle. Denial does not make it go away. Smiling and acting like all is well, is a good practice but, when you go to bed a night how is it inside you?

Take time to be with yourself, Allow the loving light process of Grace to come more awake and expand into lLove Light. This is an ongoing opportunity. do not judge that there is always more to Love that does not know love. That is our design.

You are a full time job. Shutting off love in anyway is just information for you. No one has the power to take the love from you. You are the Love flow you experience – God is love – you are God’s Love. How can you know this. It takes willingness to keep going back inside to you and allow the places that are in restriction come free by being exposed to the loving light. you can start with gratitude to yourself and all the things in your life. Do the simple practice of Gratitude and you may find more peace and love and also you may reveal, how you have grown from situations that you judged or felt hurt by. Can you move to gratitude and see something good? Maybe how you had not been in your own Loving when it seemed another hurt you. Yes what happened can be hurtful, but, to regain and expand all, this is an opportunity to unpack inside. What did you tell yourself about yourself. Then you shut off love to be safe?

You are Beloved… Be – Loved In you. Flow. This is an amazing Dance when you allow yourself to claim you are your answer. You awaken to the Divine Flow of Love…

Everything reveals places in you that do not know love. Let go to Love. Open up one more time. Again and Again and Again…


Spring Light Sessions and Packages are available.

Spring Retreat via Zoom is open to a few more people Start Date February 28th, 2023.

In Loving Service


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