Monthly Archives: March 2014


Link to register click here

 Hi All,

Wow ! The May retreat is one month away. Happy Spring and just a reminder to register and book your cottage. 
Much Loving Light …
Link to register click here

The light is an experience. You may see it but, you will know it by the freedom of letting go and lifting without effort. The physical world becomes brighter and lighter as you let go of the veils that keep you focused on fear, anger, doubt, separateness and judgement.

We move through the problems we create and encounter with grace, as we learn to be the love even when there are differences. Do not look for others to change, you change, your focus, your environment inside and the outside creation, experience will lift, lighten and change.

This does not mean others will change, but you can use the upset or negativity of others to motivate more love in your actions , thought, and creations. These negativities can teach you how not to be and to trust your loving, moving away from the levels of doubt .

Let everything be your teacher and be willing to let go and let God. The unknown love will become your safe journey in the light.