Monthly Archives: December 2016

Divine Inspiration of Loving Light New Years Day Workshop… January 1st, 2017 Time 2:00pm to 6:00pm



Inspiration moves through us, our intention, our focus, opens the doors to our inner reality bringing us experience to play in. When we gather ourselves in the Light, we are signaling ourselves to allow a new experience to come forward in the flow of the Divine Love.
We choose where our inspriation comes from. What Light do you resonate with? One that is in want or lack. Or the Divine Infinite Light that is driving it all. When we attune within to the Light of the infinite Love, we let go of the things that we are holding onto, that keep us in a the sense of separation, mental or emotional habits including the unconscious. When we allow this Light, the Love to be our focus, we open to Divine inspiration, this can be gentle and Extra – Ordinary, yet clear we are in flow. This is an experience that brings a beingness, a knowing in peace.
 This invitation is short notice, yet I am inspired to offer this opportunity. The short notice is part of the inspiration. There is no right or wrong in how these things show up. Once again being called to gather in the light to begin the Year in the Loving Light support and flow.
There will be meditation, inspiration and clearing the way for more Grace, Love Light Creation within and out.
Date January 1st, 2017
Time : 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Tuition: $150.00
To register Please email:
or Call: 415-606-4883
This is an intimate group and always a sacred space.
In Much Love and Gratitude 

Many Blessings of Peace


Sending you a Holiday Gift of Love and Gratitude.

We are all walking together, Lighting up this world.

I once again would like to Thank You for sharing in this journey with me. Each of us has an important  Star of God Shining in us. We are lifting and shining brighter as we gather together, shedding the fog that has dimmed our eyesight in Spirit.

The Blessings are at hand…

Wishing you a Happy, Loving  Peace Filled Holiday and More.


Open the Doors of Truth


Truth is an interesting concept. We all have our own experience of the reflective light, what we perceive through our veils of Karma.

When we are sharing with someone and we express we have different needs or interest this does not mean it is a judgement of theirs. When we react with a need for them to want whet you want, this can cause a wall ,as opposed to a flow of sharing. Open doors of understanding come by sharing with an open heart and open mind.

When we think we know what is going on or what makes reality real, we  probably are in our ego and defending a position. once again we find our communication forceful and cut off.

One of the things I am grateful for is I have many people in my life who have explored this life through their spiritual heart / eyes. Those who that have walked before me have much to offer. I have learned to open up my heart and move to a place of innocence and in this place a flow of receiving and giving happens. When we share it is not forceful it is flowing. It is uplifting and open to the light  that expands the inner Light we are. We are one Light.

This physical world has much to offer in its ever changing illusion. To be rigid is to be cut off to your heart. It is all within us. When we are open to the flow of the light as we step into our days and choices, we experience this world as light. Depending on what you are accessing inside,  you may see beyond what is available or be focused on what you think and look for gratification through this world. This will always fall short as what you are seeking is inside. If you want the outside to fill you, hunger will continue to pull you.

This does not mean  staying in a cave but, it is opportunity to check in and see what is motivating your choices.

Exploring your inner worlds is the journey we all have at hand. This journey is happening weather you know it or not. Being with yourself can be uncomfortable at first but, once you find the inner Kingdom of God to explore, you will never find anything more exciting and challenging. Once you have tasted the Manna of Spirit you can never turn away.

Be kind to yourself…Be kind…Be open…Be love…

When you meet someone who has walked before you,  be open to what gift may being handed to you. Be open to the love inspiration that may be flowing in ways you may not understand yet. You may be surprised at what is being offered when you stop thinking you know and move to the innocence of not knowing and receiving.

We call these encounters forward, receive or do not receive that is your choice. Sooner or later you will get the knowing that is calling you home.The light will finally be more intriguing in brighter realities of Spirit and you will be pulled to those. Your spiritual eyes will open and no longer need to experience the shadows but, you will go for the lighter experiences in this creation.

Transforming the shadow moments will be easier and simple even when it seems complicated, you will find Grace waiting.

Be Open to Stepping to a Brighter Reality, it is Waiting, go inside with God.

Be the Peace, Be the Love, Be…




Look ~ Experience ~ Be…

Tree Silhouette Against Starry Night Sky

Take a Breath…Let go…Take  another breath…Let go…

Relax, take another breath and let go of the distractions, the images of this world. Let go…

Relax…touch your heart…breath in love…Relax…let go of the distractions of the mind, the to do…the I want…the lack…Take a breath breath in the light…

Relax…touch your heart…relax your eyes…close your eyes…open your heart in every breath…

Relax…there is nothing to do…Relax…Let go..your lifting up…you are aware of the Light beckoning you…Relax…Open your heart..Open your spiritual  eyes..

The Light is calling, lifting you out of the busy trees of distraction and doing…Relax…

Let go…the light is lifting you…there is more…be willing…give up the need for control… do not need to know…just Love..allow the Love to lift you..Light you..

Relax..You are coming home in the Light…It is in are of it…It will nurture and guide you beyond the mind or body…You can not will this or know it in the mind…It is an experience…Be willing to not know to know, then not know. There is comfort in every breath…

God Breathes you…Relax…You are loved…You are Love…

Give the Gift of Light



Giving and Receiving is a flow of Loving when we are open and free in our sharing. It is hard to know who is giving or receiving when we share in the Love Light.

This in itself is a gift…

Give a gift of Light to someone you love…

A gift of a Light Session or Series can be a way to share in a heart opening that has no limits. Sharing the Light this way is uplifting for all involved.

Another way you can share this light gift, is to create a private workshop with your Loved ones.

Happy Giving and Receiving in the Love.

Please contact me to a create a gift for a Loved one or a private workshop for Loved Ones.

In Gratitude and Love


Contact: 415-606-4883