Monthly Archives: April 2022

A share that went awry. Love

Hi All,

I wanted to share a beautiful song called For You by Eric Bibb on the last post. Unfortunately I could not embed it and it repeated the last post but, you can go to YouTube if you would like to experience a love song of comfort. It is worth it, let it sing you inside.

You are Loved right here now. Just go inside and let go, let love, Let God Allow the rising Love to surround what is in fear – hurt – any kind of separation. Breathe in the music of gentle love and allow comfort to soothe what is in need of softening in love, in safety, in hope and upliftment. It is in your very breathe, pause and be present. Let Go Let Love. It is your answer. Calm you mind and listen to your breath in silence, open to receive. It will quicken in love, softening and relaxing in each step of letting go , over and over. you are Beloved, You are Love, You are love Now…

In Loving Service
