Monthly Archives: January 2018




Whatever is happening in your Life it is calling you to know – Love – the Divine you, see the Beloved in all.

Happy Monday – Feel – Be – the Love in each breath and step. Pause and move into your heart. Calm – Peace – Full Love is present Now…Relax it is simple.

In Love


Sharing in Divine Ordinariness


The sweetness of each day is present in the innocence. The infinite possibilities are in the flow of the Divine.

Awakening to this infinite flow is the inner journey that we are walking. When we focus on the outer world as our truth, we will experience a feeling of need. Letting go of the control and allowing the places that hold tight to what we believe is perfection, right and wrong to come forward in the light, allows the alchemy of the patterns that keep you in separation of the Divine knowing, the flow. All is love in flow. It is a beingness that becomes a hum of Love of Light.

When we are afraid to be vulnerable, we are limiting our freedom. To Love unconditionally, you must first be able to Love all of yourself unconditionally. This can be scary. When we believe that the downs are bad and the ups are good, we have a polarity. to know all experience through Love is the freedom. To judge one as better than another is Karma. When we liberate the polarity and let go, the expansive Spiritual love is neither up or down, it is full, no lack. The whole is present within – the Beloved sings us.

This is a walk of innocence in the. willing Heart.

The thing I continue to be aware of is letting go of my position, my control, my need to know and allow the inspiration of experiencing the new knowing.. To be in the flow of Spirit, is to let go. This is a subtle and expansive flow. To touch into this we must go inward to the Beloved, We must be willing to illuminate the places that hold in separation,into the Love Light. We must trust in the love and let Go. This is a Love that goes beyond emotion and mind, it is peaceful expanded acceptance. It is the Infinite Divine that is breathing us.

Have a beautiful Loving Day. Divine Ordinary you, us, the is-ness, sings us everyday. We are One.



Right or Wrong? Veils of Karma -Illusion -Transformation – Love


I am writing this as I have been given an opportunity recently to be up close and personal with situations of polarity. People having an experience inside of having life turned upside down, feelings hurt and an experience of not being seen, loved or heard.

We all carry magnetic creation as we are in a realm of positive and negative polarity, which creates fields of illusion to explore. When we take a hard position and declare we are right and “they” are wrong, we deny an opportunity of love awakening in ourselves. We separate from ourselves when we shut off from others.

Many believe  boundaries are rigid, hard and shut off. This builds a small world of defensive experience and we continue to bring situations to ourselves of hurt and a need to defend. Our hearts close in retraction, we move into survival forgetting we are Divine.

We all have co-created from a place of forgetting what we are, the choice is to open to liberation through love not war. To awaken to the Divine flow of love we must open to love with-in. This resonates and we begin to know love is present even when things appear challenged. There is always Light and it is Infinite Love.

If we only focus on what we believe is wrong, we do not allow ourselves to illuminate the places that are calling from within in love. If we meet distress with distress, we have more distress .

Awakening is not an easy road, yet it is a road that is infinite and continues to amaze us with-in, as we become willing to let go of what we think is right or wrong and go for the love. Our ego will fight this, but it is not us.

This journey of Love is just that. What we “think” is love is usually veiled in illusion, to experience the Divine with-in goes beyond words yet, the experience is one that continues to expand and it is in a constant flow of more. We must choose to let go in order to know, the unknown knowing.

This world will always give us opportunity to choose againstness or to go for the gift in the experience with-in, awakening where we believe we were wronged or where we believed revenge was in order to be free. These are only places that are bound inside. Go for the highest good in Love and allow Spirit to assist in the process of working out a situation of polarity and you will find the freedom inside in love. You may be surprised at the Divine purpose of the experience if you are willing to know it all can be used for awakening. When you go for the awakening experience you will never forget.

I Love sharing  Love and once again thank you for all you bring.

The Whole is love and we are all Flex in it, we are One of Love…No separation when we awaken, we know this. So awaken the places with-in that still with hold in separation.  Love Breathes us.




Peace With-In


We may find ourselves in upset, fear, distress, or more, when we do find these are our experiences inside, the path to Peace is to allow this to be what is.

Do not fight it or judge it, allow it and be open to allowing love to touch those thoughts, feeling and body tension. Do not fight this. Fight creates more tension and a sense of hopelessness. We love you, you are loved, all of you. The one who is afraid, the one who is confused. It s our healing to love all of you.

Receive this Love, Breath – in and relax, Let the Love soothe you. You are okay, you are supported, you do not do this alone. You are Divine, you are of – Breathed from infinite Love Creation. We only have to give up the control we keep thinking will save us that seems to be elusive. The support you seek is even bigger and is in the loving.

Pause and take time to heal, move into the Peace, the love inside, then walk in this world doing in Peace in Love, even when things are upset. When you feel overwhelmed it is the time to stop and take care of you, do not fight that. It is the process of healing all, including your neighbor. When we take care of ourselves, when we move in safety inside  we resonate :Love, Light, Peace. This touches all, as we are all this. We learn to love it all. Perfection is knowing and Loving the humaness, in this knowing there is a process of healing calling you.

Do not be afraid of your fear. It has a message of healing love. Dance with it in the light, do not place it in the dark. It will reveal the Beloved that is residing behind the Illusion.

You are Love, You are loved. All of You, Do not hide…You are seen, Be open to receiving and free yourself.

Peaceful Sharing – My Work is still in Loving Flow


I want to take a moment to say hello, and let you know that I am in a Love filled, Peace filled place Inner and Outer.

I am working with people and if you are in the area and would like a session I am here. I am also doing phone sessions and will do Skype once the internet is repaired.

In this time of great challenge we all have the opportunity to heal in love. Do not avoid yourself, you can panic and tend to move into survival. There is Loving support that will lift you from with in , so as you walk through the challenges you are walking in Love and the direction is up is Light. You may experience Grace in the midst of what seems overwhelming. Support in flow begins to show up in little and big ways. you will be able to have gratitude in each Breath, knowing all is evolving to Light to Love.

I am Grateful to have each of you in on my Path in my life. I am here to share in Love, In Light.

Sending Love, Light and Gratitude.



Awaken the Beloved You With-In Inspiration – Workshop   January  18th, 2018 – Time : 5:30pm to 9:30pm



This is a continued unfolding of Beauty, Love, and Light inspiration of you. 
You are a work in progress. You are in constant opportunity, as you remember yourself as the Beloved, you experience the Gentle, Powerful, expansion in the Beauty of Divine love.
Join me and a small group once again, opening to the Beloved You. Opening the places that have been hidden in control, against – ness, and more, opening these patterns to the Loving Light awakens the Beloved Inspiration with-in. Be the alchemist of these places of separation and experience yourself in the Divine Beauty of the Beloved you. The key to this is your willingness to open to the unknown, it is all available through and with the Beloved. 
TIME: 5:30PM TO 9:30PM
To Register: call 415069604883 or email :
Tuition: $150.00 prepaid by January 13th, 2018
Tuition: $155.00 after January 13th, 2018 
In Love, Li
 This is a continued unfolding of Beauty, Love, and Light inspiration of you. 
You are a work in progress. You are in constant opportunity, as you remember yourself as the Beloved, you experience the Gentle, Powerful, expansion in the Beauty of Divine love.
Join me and a small group once again, opening to the Beloved You. Opening the places that have been hidden in control, against – ness, and more, opening these patterns to the Loving Light awakens the Beloved Inspiration with-in. Be the alchemist of these places of separation and experience yourself in the Divine Beauty of the Beloved you. The key to this is your willingness to open to the unknown, it is all available through and with the Beloved. 
TIME: 5:30PM TO 9:30PM
To Register: call 415069604883 or email :
Tuition: $150.00 prepaid by January 13th, 2018
Tuition: $155.00 after January 13th, 2018 
In Love, Light, and Gratitude

Let Go of the Worship of the Controller, Let Go…Let Love Lead…The Divine is…


Let go of the Mind, Let go of the Fear, Let go of the Controller in you and those you look to as your Source. We are Divine, Infinite, Lift, Love, Expand, Give up, and Receive. Co-create in unison, in flow of the Light. This is with-in and will awaken the infinite Love, clearing the illusion of control, lack and more. This is all your Opportunity to be Free with-in and share in creating a Life of uplift-ment and infinite Loving possibilities. Sing the Love Song of God. BE…Beingness of Love Song – Sound of Love.


January 2nd, 2018 – Pause – Breath Go Within – Meditation


Pause from your busy outer doing and go within.  Transformation,  Love, Peace, and Inspiration come from with-in.

Relax, Take a breath of love in and let Go of the chatter and tension as you breathe out. Breathe in the Love – Breathe out the worry, Breathe in the Love – Breathe out the doing, Breathe in the Love – Breathe out the hurt, Breathe in Love – Breathe out the anger, Breathe in the Love- Breathe out the Peace, Breathe in the Love – Breathe out the Love, Breathe in the Love – Breathe out the Peace, Breathe in the Love – Breathe out the Love.

Now Close your eyes as you allow your breath to naturally softly breath in and out, as you go inside and relax, you feel the Love the light expanding from your Spiritual heart, flowing out through your body and beyond. You may experience your self drifting into a bliss and lifting upward. You may see a Light inside, just allow yourself to lift and follow the light.

When you are ready open your eyes and take a moment to listen to your hearts inspiration. It may be a word that will support you, it may be feeling of love and expansion that lets you know the direction for your next step or a relationship inside and in the outer. It may be an opening that allows you to receive and give in flow, freedom and abundance.

Live your life, create your Life from your Inner world, your Inner love is where it all is happening anyhow.  You are one who chooses where you focus.

Your choice to go to your Divine connection with-in, to live your life day by day, breath by breath and experience a life of uplift-ment and calm is a focus of awakening.  Peace and understanding begin to lead you and your relationship to the world, in the world. Find your inner Love, your inner peace and be this co-creator. See this, be this, in everything you do or see. Breathe in love and get in touch with your spiritual  heart  all day, every day. you are the Inspiration of Love in the Divine, Live a Divine Life. Be the love flowing in all you do and just in your presence.

Happy Life

Loving Life

Peaceful Life

Inspired in Love Life

In Love, Light and Gratitude
