Monthly Archives: November 2021

The heart of Thanksgiving is Love. Accept what is present, see the beauty, expand the love in gratitude. Thank you from my heart to yours..


Challenge yourself –

Have you noticed it takes great Strength to choose love sometimes. Be in acceptance and tender.

It seems easy to be quick to hurt another judge another. I am aware of how much more strength it takes and how much more focus and choice to be love. It is a clear inner knowing you are Divine and so are others. To choose to harm to hurt yourself or another is not strong, it is a time of forgetting. Pause and Look for your love, it is there inside. You will find a kinder life when you become what you are looking for – Love. You are that, now take the time , bReathe and allow love to Lead. your breath This is a process of love. This is a practice each day and each moment… You choose Strong Love..

Can you choose Love, can you be strong and put down the sword? The sword you use on yourself and others?

Be Strong…

Beloved – Be Love



Are you willing to be present and allow the disturbance or the parts that are still struggling to know you belong, you are Love. Not belong to the world but, really belong inside. Can you be with yourself and know you are complete without others to validate it? If you have noticed even when they do give you what you want or need you may still have places that look for more satiation.

Recently I had the opportunity to let go of an attachment to outcome. A service I was involved in fell away from me, it challenged me iin many ways. Once I allowed the truth of me to start to come forward through Loving light healing, I could see how the pain and hurt bought me to a deeper healing and letting go, letting God love. my intention is just that. . To use that intention in honesty, means yes, someone may do what they do but, I am responsible for what I do inside with it. When I fell into anger and hurt, I had to walk my way through this as an opportunity. it took time. It was not always pretty. This was Karma, well life is karma, It had some pretty tight places inside. Once I discovered the place in me that was the opening to hurt and upset, I had an amazing Grace filled expansion. To discover this, I had to be present with myself a lot, and allow – walk through many old things that surfaced, holding love the whole time, unlocking many doors, which was a gift. I was brought to a place as an infant. . Amazing… Love …. protection… and more awakened where this part has been in a state of confusion…This revealed itself by me sitting inside and asking and observing and allowing the discomfort to come more forward,. It is organic as you let go and trust and are not afraid to see, hear, feel or know the truth. I had someone holding the loving light for some of this walk.. This allows your children inside to feel safe to surface and share. Can you love them? You have pushed these things away to cover them up and move away from the hurt to survive , to find Love.

The payoff of being present and learning to Love it all through your inner world is more than a good job or home or whatever you have as outside success. It is an inner awakening and knowing you are Beloved. You are Beloved of God’. The words are not it but, your inner you knows this somewhere. This is Freedom. It is an ongoing process, It is a beautiful dance of love. The outcome brings more peace, love and creativity.

You are Beloved, Love all of your inner children, none are too hurt or scary, they all are worthy of Love. What is confused or hurt deserves to be healed to be loved. Allow the Loving light to assist in this, go beyond the mind. Open to Spirit. It is a journey of love.

You are worth it, not the ego worth it, but, the tender simple kind vulnerable worth it… This is a strong Love…

Be Present BE Love….

Light Support

The past 2 years seem to have brought a sense of yearning. A yearning for the old, the freedom. Many have shared how they seem to be spinning in their homes. Doing – Doing yet not getting things done. A sense of incompletions and lack of freedom.We have a pull to the outside world as our source of being. Yet the truth is you – we all are experiencing it inside. Our inner world is where the peace, creativity and love will be found. To be in this flow, taking time with ourselves, allowing the things that may be in disturbance to have a voice, allowing the Loving Light to release it through acceptance and loving understanding. This lead to an experience of ones self as more than this physical world. This is a beautiful process that continues to evolve – expand as you allow yourself to be present in you, inviting the loving light in – to lead guide and assist, as it is in you and around you. To know this – to really know this, taking time for you with the intention of Loving awakening is the key to the doors that seem closed.

We are all involved in a time of upliftment and change. Which is always present. How we are inside and what our intention is will be the key to co-creating the life inside and out of joy, love, creativity awakening to the Beloved in you. Live a light filled always in flow life.

Take time for you, this is the key always. You – be present – not doing outer things but, be present in you. Allow the beauty and discomfort to come together. Explore and awaken to what is really available in you. You are the Beloved. What does that mean?

Breathe – be and open to you. Have a willing heart, see what will reveal itself as you choose this path of Love.

You are the Key to all of what is present in your life.

Light support Sessions and packages are one way to start the process or continue the process.

To Book Please email

Packages – and single sessions or by the minute are available.

See about the Process for more information.

In Love and Gratitude


Fall Retreat – Journey of Light – Love – In Person or Online. November 8th – Start 3:30pm pacific, 9th, & 10th, 2021. Details Below. There is a loving space for you.

Inner Journey of light love Retreat

In Person and online available

There will be meditation – processing and beach walks.

We are here to lift in Love. Spending time sharing and allowing the places that are struggling to let go and lift, allows the nourishing and the unfolding of the restrictions to reveal the sweetness of love that is hidden in these challenges.

Gather in a group and allow the flow of all to resonate, illuminate and support, this is a beautiful way to open to the loving healing. Love Your Own Places that do Not know Love. When we do this, we become this, we have more compassion for ourselves and others. We are a pebble in whole that ripples out and radiates the frequency of Love each time we shift. The Frequency of God Is Love.

Letting go with a group with this focused intention brings a sweet fuller opportunity to share, revealing your own places and spaces that are ready to let go.. in love. When we set an intention we are met in the flow we have agreed to take part in. this is a loving opportunity of support and upliftiment in the loving light. This is your inner journey, you can make it what you want as we walk together, we see reflection in all, and become more alive in Love in the compassion that reveals itself through our vulnerability and ordinariness. We are Divine even in our foibles. Love it All, Frees up space for more love. We become the radiating love flow that we are.

RETREAT TUITION $725 Pay via Zellie or Venmo



TUESDAY 9TH, 9:30 AM – 5:30 OR 6:00PM PACIFIC


Register Now: REGISTRATION: email: or text – call: 415-606-4883. Payment Via Venmo – Nellie or Paypal. The Retreat – Tuition is $725

Book your cottage now, there are limited cottages available.

 – Cottage Reservation should be done as soon as possible, Below are details.

Call property manager, Lisa Carey, for reservations at 805.680.6622 ~ Let her know you are part of the retreat. website gives you a sweet idea of the cottages

Deposit required of one night, please contact Lisa, all information is below , let he know you are attending the retreat.

I am once again excited to hold and house our retreat at The Cottages in Carpinteria California, where we can all be together holding the light.

Staying at the cottages for the weekend is encouraged but not a must. Residing at the cottages, allows you to step away from your day-to-day patterns, giving yourself completely over to the loving support offered in the retreat atmosphere. If you are unable to retreat at the cottages, you are still welcome to take part in this light filled weekend.

 This is a beautiful, playful cluster of bungalows located in the small town of Carpinteria, California, just a few miles south of Santa Barbara and few blocks from the beach.


In Loving
