Monthly Archives: July 2013

Peace of Heart, Peace of Life.

Find beauty in the dark crevices of your fears and negativity. Be willing to open your heart, letting the light in on the blocks keeping you in the perspective of separation.

Separation from the free and loving life you are . Separation from the loving life that is here for you. Open to the loving and beauty you have been protecting through resistance and learn to receive all the bounty that is you and here for you. Let go and stand in the light.


What are we seeing, what are we focused on ?  The oneness or the separation. When we open our hearts our eyes open and we see how we are  all reflecting light.

There may be a different sensation through the focus of one subject being focused on the illusion more, than another being focused on the loving in the illusion. There is light in it all, it is what reflects the illusion.  This is endless. This is a unconditional love creating with no end, no judgment.

How do we learn to be free of the the separation, look to the love and be willing to not know. Soften your gaze and allow,  you will receive and know. Then be willing to not know again.

Let go and you will see the oneness in it all then find peace and grace in your heart, overflowing into your creation.

When we are in living loving peace in ourselves, we have no need to look to others through hurtful eyes.

The hurt we are seeing is our own fears of our own untruths we have been creating in ourselves many times.  If we know our truth, we have no need to judge or fear someone else. If they are not being kind send them kindness and move away from the negativity. If you are not being kind, find the kindness and move away from the negativity.

You know you are aligned in free love when you do not fear others and have a need to separate through energetic manipulation or hurtful judgment.

Taking care of yourself in loving, is a clear and truthful path. You will not have resistance or negativity in your cells. You will be the love aligned allowing others to find their own way.

We have all made errors, when we can stand and learn from them without shame, we become the loving awakened in our soul selves.

Be the love you are , be willing to look in the mirror and love it all. Change the fears and untruths through love. No one else is causing your pain, you are the Divine creator of your experience. How have you put yourself out in the world?  How have you been speaking to yourself about yourself and the world ?

Be the Love and you will receive the love.

Come with an open heart and mind. You will find your Divine within this way of being.

Be the blue print of love , by opening to the mind of the heart,  The inner knowing that leads you down the loving path. This path tells no lies and embraces all the possibilities that are present seen and unseen. 

This is your journey, this is your life, be open to it. Be the love you are. Trust in this love that has no boundaries and radiates into all you touch. This is love ,this is you, trust in this loving you.

You will find the unconditional source meeting you with the same radiation. This is love, this is you.

Summer Inspiration

Inspire your play with loving.

Give yourself a session or series of 3 to explore and let go of the things that hold you back from more joy, play and love in your everyday life.  Take time to look within and live from that center of freedom. 

SESSIONS are available by phone, skype or in person. 
 Allow 2 hours a session
Session fee $350 for a single
Series of 3  @ $900.
The series is a very clear and powerful way to commit to yourself and spirit in a deep profound way,  allowing expansion to anchor in. I recommend this for anyone who is just starting the work with me or this type of work. It also can be very helpful during more challenging times. I recommend these sessions to be done no further apart than 2 1/2 to 3 weeks the first time.  

For appointment email 
Call 415-606-4883

I am in the Santa Barbara area, I travel to San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, and Sun Valley idaho. 

Love Peace and Light to our journey here together.

When we understand our hearts desire from the spirit point of view we become free to create the loving life we came to be. By exploring our inner patterns and learning how to alchemy these all with the loving light. You will find grace and peace no matter what is happening around you. You are one with this Divine Light, discover more of you, be willing to look deeper and be free.

Come and explore yourself with a small group. I will guide you through aligning with the light and exploring what may be keeping you from your peace and loving. This is done through sharing process and light meditation to start and end. When we come together as a group we reflect with the light and the energy is supported in a momentum that allows healing for all present.

Come with willingness and be prepared for the unknown loving.