Monthly Archives: January 2016




You can attune yourself to the spiritual levels by going within. A by-product of that is accessing divine protection and manifesting abundance for yourself, in areas ranging from traffic, to health, wealth, and spiritual inner awareness. That kind of attunement is, indeed, for the highest good. – John-Roger, D.S.S. (From: Wealth & Higher Consciousness, p. 58)

Thank You


Thank You…

I am so grateful to all of those who have shared in this loving tree of life. Even when we come together in conflict or pain, we are seeking the love. Isn’t that amazing. I am so grateful to all of those who continue to show up in truth and vulnerably with me. I learn and heal my own, as we come together with the purpose of love. The joy continues to take over in this celebration of sharing love.

This is a life path and purpose. I know sometimes it does not look or feel that way, but that is the illusion challenging you to strengthen through Divine love. When your spiritual heart begins to lead, you will know that love is the Grace.

Gratitude opens the heart even in the challenged times. When you cannot see the love and abundance , look for what is present in this moment.  You will know the peace and love is always available now. The wanting heart will be blind to what is present. Breath and be present, you are the Love you are seeking, you are full and in the stillness you  will know this. Do not look outside of the present place you are. Look for what is, not what is not. There is no lack. You are the heartbeat of God. Thank yourself and listen within. The loving is present in this moment. From this loving place you will know, hear, and see all the possibilities are present. You will know the steps, even if they are small, they are perfect.

In Gratitude and Love to you, I send more Love and More Light Always.
