Monthly Archives: May 2021

Love is Present

Be present inside. Take pause, let go of what you perceive is against, see how the against is only your illusion. When there is a conflict , you will find that is present in your inner world. When you try to control others, through negativity, rather than seeing your part is present, you find more resistance around you.

I am in a deep practice of bringing love awake inside, in every challenge. The more the negativity pushes me, I am called to go deeper in healing through more focus in Love. I am expanding in the midst of challenge. This does not mean I never experience the polarity coming up in me and I do react to others inflicting many times. I take pause, I do not hurt others but, I have upset inside. These are the times I know I am called to be love to me, to awaken and hold in love flow in peace flow. I am not in charge of others feelings, if the world chooses fight, I am called to find the places inside that need healing and move to loving. Finding the Gift, and knowing that God is Love and I am Breathed in this Love, I am willing to know this love, this heartbeat in even greater ways.

I know many people are challenged in these changing times.

I know the more we move to negative actions to resolve or ” get our way” we find that we are creating more fear and negativity in our reality. It is very hard to open a door of trust when there is only anger and stories of negativity present. I find the only way I am able to come into peace is go inside and do my inner Loving work, knowing that all situations can be strengtheners in Love and healing. Uplifting will be the outcome. So rather than see right or wrong look for the Love. Look for your challenge that is telling you that you are less than love and have shut off your loving eyes and compassion for yourself and others. We are here as reflections to each other. We may not have the same sensibilities in the way we live but, we can come into harmony when we understand, it is not about taking but, it is about flow and a dance of consideration of all. Change causes push and these places that go to upset and anger are calling for a life that is new in expansion, this is not an easy choice to keep going back inside and take responsibility for your experience what has come forward in your life.

Take time to pause and go to the love inside to the one who may be in conflict with the world or any situation that may be present. Work with the misunderstandings you carry inside you. It is not about the outer it is about what you are doing with this situation inside, what are you telling yourself about you? To resolve a conflict you must resolve it inside and you will find the doors begin to open in ease and grace. We are responsible co-creators. Remember if you inflict on another a negative control energy you are only creating more of this in the field you are living in. When upset comes do not punish yourself or others, move to the healing opportunity. We make these loving changes inside and the world will change. You are not here to control others.

This is a life path of a Spiritual Warrior. Not an easy one, it requires and big strong heart. So do your loving exercise and take all opportunities to” peel the onion ” inside, discover the sweet scent of love that is residing in the center of to all, the center of you.

You are the Beloved … to know this is a constant polishing. This means take care of yourself, and be willing to bring more harmony within – more love flow. This can be a moment by moment experience, eventually the moments string together in more natural flow. You find you are at peace in joy and loving throughout your day.

Focus on the loving you are inside and design your day from this place. let go of lack and be the love inspired experience inside and love – abundant begins to be your flow, it just shows up. Give it a try, it takes practice but, keep it simple and be the love of your life, day by day.

In Loving Service


Responsible for What You Put Out

I want to share something you all have heard probably a million times.

Life is Karma. Some Karma we like – and some Karma we do not like.

We have co-created these frequencies. Some of the things that come forward are tihings we may have engaged in other lifetimes. Punishment is not the goal, uplifting love healing, is the transformation of Spirit, The God of Love is the source of all creation, when it is in process of alchemy from polarity in us, it came seem impossible to get to the love. I know this because I have had plenty of challenges. when someone is hitting at you in many ways, psychic ways included, they are engaged in a process for themselves too. Many times we all forget that we are not here to abuse ourselves or others, as we do this action to others, we actually end up doing it to ourselves. We may not know this in this lifetime it may be in another lifetime but, we will have the experience of what we put out. Choose love.

The way up – out is through inner loving forgiveness. if someone is unkind to you, find the place inside that wants to be unkind back, be willing not to do but, stay with that place inside, holding in a neutral love. Keep listening and hold in love and walk through the hurt and sense of powerlessness and anger, You may find stories from the past come up that you have carried around unaware of them, bring loving forgiveness to them, allow the healing focus to be your goal, not revenge or right or wrong. Open to a bigger Loving life inside and your outer life will expand in ways that seem like miracles.

This process is a deep and love light filled process. Connecting to your inner world will take you through many levels of what may seem not so fun. Focus on God in a loving heart and you will experience an altitude of Grace and understanding in time. It is worth it, to bring love to those locked off places , those places that stay in war and againstness, keeping us in poverty and a small reality.

We are infinite, Divine Beings how do we let go of the boxes we co-created thinking that is all there is. Thinking this will keep us safe, give us power and more. Change is always present, and change is the only constant we can count on. The more we fight to stay the same or control, the more we will experience separation inside and out.

We choose to let go – in Love – Let God. It Supports- Breathes us. This is a big order for some of the places that just can not see the outcome of the new or unknown and do not have trust.

Be kind but, be willing to make, be the inner change and open to receive.

Remember what you put on others comes back to you. Generous Heart is one way to go, One that knows we are here not to over throw others, to take all the space up, but to be in flow, sharing in the dance of the planet. There is room for all, see how you can allow and also take care of yourself. This does not mean let people step on your toes, but, to make space inside and out in Love. You do not have to become what others are doing or being , we are are here to lift in love. There is infinite space in this love. We choose.

In Loving Service


Spring Retreat Is Almost Here – Your Inner View of Love – Zoom and in Person – Health Safe Arrangements for in person – Dates: May 14th, 15th, and 16th, 2021, Bonus 1/2 day May 17th, Meditation – Labyrinth Walk at Windermere Ranch.

This journey is alive with new inspiration through new eyes. As you open to your inner view – you begin to connect deeper within, listening to what you are saying, seeing, holding, thinking and you become more available to the flow of love that is singing through you. When you quiet the chattering you connect within. The places that are calling you anew are calling from within. Peace is present be in the silence, listen – relax in the letting go.

Join me with an intimate group of loving people, for a 3 day Retreat.

Take time to go within to inner-view yourself through your Beloved heart . Open your inner eyes to attune to the Beloved within and reveal what is present. Uncover what may be blocking your view of being Love in the flow of your life.

Take time to touch in and allow Spiritual connection to become more tangible, it is your natural flow. The process of clearing what comes present with the assistance of the Spiritual Light allows the flow of love and creative inspiration in Grace. Meditation opens your inner guidance, your connection to your Inner Master, letting this flow become a go to in life. Guiding you, supporting your life. This is where you are truly present with what and who you are …one with the Beloved. This is a continued journey, be open to what you have been waiting for, there is always more available . I experience this every time I go within. Infinite flow- infinite possible experiences, I am always finding opportunity to let go, release my separation. Join me in the vulnerability and allow the support you have yet to know come forward, open to the receiving.

Giving and receiving … Pause … Breathe … you are present, allowing this time to be present within is a simple moment but, powerful shift, allowing abundance in the moment, in he fullness of the heart.

Place: :7th Street Cottages – Carpinteira, Ca


Friday – May 14th, 3:30 pm Pac Time Until we are done – 7:00pm this is a soft end time.

Saturday – May 15th, 9:30am PT – 6:00pm PT

Sunday – May 16th, 9:30 am PT to 5:30 pm PT

Bonus 1/2 day May 17th, Time TBD end of retreat by those who sign up. Online may be on FaceTime with us it you would like.

Tuition: Pease read there are changes. ( In Person Special Arrangements and Logistics will be determined closer to the retreat, we will gather in one cottage if it is clear health wise or do the online in your cottage experience, bring your laptop. We will gather for beach walks and meal breaks, depending on the COVID situation.) We will gather outside in a small area for a few sharing if we are not able to do the retreat in one cottage.

1) Early Bird Cottage In Person $600.00  Paid in full by March 25th – after is $700

2)  Early Bird Online $575 – Paid by March 25th –  after is $625

If you are in hardship and want to take part, please let me know and we will work something out. We are here to support…

Tuition is non refundable – non transferable as of April 1st, 2021

REGISTRATION FOR ALL OFFERING: email: or call: 415-606-4883.

RETREAT – Cottage reservation should be done as soon as possible, Below are details.

Deposit required of one night, please contact Lisa, all information is below , let her know you are attending the retreat. I only hold a few cottages for this gathering.

Call property manager, Lisa Carey, for reservations at 805.680.6622 ~ Let her know you are part of the retreat.

I am once again excited to hold and house our retreat at The Cottages in Carpinteria California, where we can all be together holding the light.

Staying at the cottages for the weekend is encouraged but not a must. Residing at the cottages, allows you to step away from your day-to-day patterns, giving yourself completely over to the loving support offered in the retreat atmosphere. If you are unable to retreat at the cottages, you are still welcome to take part in this light filled weekend.

 This is a beautiful, playful cluster of bungalows located in the small town of Carpinteria, California, just a few miles south of Santa Barbara and few blocks from the beach.

In Loving Service
