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Gratitude -Love Flow

Grateful …I am grateful for this moment… I am grateful for the bumpy experience that reminds me to Love…I am grateful for my breath…I am grateful to those who challenge me inside. they bring me more awareness to where I do not know love.

Each moment – Each experience is another opportunity to remember you are Beloved. What a great way to know nothing is against you. Your thoughts and emotions will tell you that. What if you were willing to view everything as a love note from God, nudging you home. Showing you where you are with – holding Love? Offering you a choice of Love.

We all hear about gratitude list, what if you create a constant thank you in you as you walk your moment to moment life? See what this reveals. Choose Love. Gratitude can open your eyes to opportunity beyond your shoulds and hurts and more. You are worth it. Be gratitude. See what your inner and outer life reveals to you.

Now Breath in and let go.. Thank you.

In Loving Service


Illuminating in Love Workshop Offering Wednesday April 17th 6:30pm to 9:30 pm Pacific Time; In Person or Zoom.

This is an opportunity to gather for a few hours, letting go in the Loving Light.

Take a deep breath of clear Loving Light. Crystal clear cleansing. You are expanded in your own illuminated Breath as you drop the frequency of resistance, move into the Bright Light of Spirit. Lighten from within and see , be clearly alive. Be supported in the illuminated Loving Light.

All is possible as you allow what has been in resistance to surface and let go to Clear Love.

Freedom comes awake. 

There is nothing wrong, just experiences of humanity in many, many forms and frequencies inside and around you.

Let’s come together and Lighten the stories to Love is Present always. Let go…

Sign up –

Tuition $ 275 –  Zelle or Venmo

April 17th, Wednesday 6:30pm to 9:30pm PT

In Loving Service


JUST LOVE. Wednesday Night, April 10, 2024, 6:30pm to 7:30pm PT, Light Gathering – JUST LOVE- You Are Abundance -Flow Of Gods Love Light…Come Share in Overflow.

I am grateful to hold a space and invite forward what will serve whoever is present in perfect ways for the highest good of all. The intention for this hour gathering, is to offer and support a sacred space for you to allow the place or places that are confused, holding on in separation to be touched in Loving – Light in new ways. Be Open. 

When we gather with others in this intention we allow ourselves to Lift in new ways. Bring a willing heart…

To Sign up Please Email me at

I will send a zoom link the night of the gathering to those who sign up. 

In Loving Service


To book a private session – email me at

Outer World – Inner Love Flow

Honesty- Be Present

Anticipating you are going to be seen a certain way. Doing things so you know you are loved. Have you ever noticed when you do these things you have a continued challenge to stay loving in you to you. You find that things are hard to keep up with. This is most likely because you have been living from the outside in. The illusion is a chase. A chase for validation, belonging, being special.

I want to offer an another loving challenge – tool. It involves being honest with yourself and others. Not in any way the harms or hurts. Honesty can be a challenge when you live in fear. the fears and hurts may be running you,, will take courage to be with see, hear, feel and open to loving truth. You are a Soul, there is no wrong, can you witness in loving?

My Loving Challenge is to allow yourself to take time and stop running from yourself, looking to belong…instead come present. There will be discomfort, but this discomfort is calling you to freedom. Come present and allow the thing or things you are avoiding to come into the light, Be present in Loving surrender to how you feel, think, behave and let go in the truth. The truth of what you keep telling yourself about yourself that keeps you in the chase, the outer world validation chase for love. It is an inside job. It does not matter how many people shower you with attention, you are still talking inside to yourself. Be present listen, and come to a place that brings a loving forgiveness for the judgments you carry on yourself and others. Those judgments keep you in separation and fear. More hiding and more sense of being out of control .you are not in control. The Loving Source is, and as you allow yourself to awaken to this through honest surrender in Love to the Light you find yourself with more generosity inside to you and others.

This world will keep you busy. We are here to learn. you are worth it. So take the loving challenge to be honest, be present, and bring the loving grace field awake in surrender to Love, even as you are taken through the discomfort. The other side is amazing. It is the Loving Freedom, that is present in being present within. Be still , walk in the world knowing you are more than this. It is a grand scheme of Divine Love awakening this form home. This Home is in everything, tune – wake to the Love and it will flow in you as you , being supported. There is no limit to this expansion. So there is no limit to what can be brought to the Loving Light. Come Present in you and open to the Divine Song singing you, and bring all that is there, place it at the feet of God. Love is present.

In Loving Service


“Everyone discusses my art and pretends to understand, as if it were necessary to understand, when it is simply necessary to love.”

– Claude Monet

A loving tool for self freedom and compassion to live love and for others.

“I know you did the best you could in that moment or situation, I love you / me,” then let it go.

How would it be for you if you choose that path? IN loving forgiveness for yourself, opening to let go to next… renewed and try again, get up again, all the stories are allowed to come up, just keep loving them .

Give it a try, keep it simple, Just keep repeating and see how it goes. give your self a week, then add on if you choose.

I would love to hear how you experience yourself and the world in this process.

In Loving Service


The Beloved Within, March 11, 12, 13, &14th morning only. 2024 … In Person and Zoom … There is a Loving Space for You.

We traverse this life, this world in a sense of separation always looking for a place to know we belong, we are special, we are loved. The world we encounter has purpose for us. We co-created our map for this lifetime. We are here to awaken to the love we are, the Beloved in all. In us as us. The curtains of experiences, the beliefs, the sense of the reality our DNA in the collective and family give us a sense that separation and or the polarity is more real than the Beloved. The Love is in all of it, How do we come into a greater flow of the Divine within and allow the healing, the alchemy to lead and take place? We live in this moment as that Beloved One. Take the step each day to remember , be this now. You Belong – You are the Love you seek, and all are special. We each come with a uniqueness which is the gift of play in the world. How do we Love our own humanity and awaken to the greater true love we are, from this place we will know this to be true for all. This is our loving journey inside.

Join me and a group for a loving sacred retreat into this loving alchemy. You will be taken within, learning to hear you and the Beloved more and more as we process and do meditation. This life is a constant opportunity to let go over and over and expand more and more, to deepen the love flow in your very cells. Releasing though the Loving Light , awakening the Beloved you are and are of. This is a subtle powerful sacred gift.

There is a loving space for you if you are called to join. Below is how you register and book a spot at the Emerald Iguana. Accommodations and food are not included.


email: – phone – 415-606-4883

Accommodations and Food not included.

In Person Reservations at the Emerald Iguana can be made on this link below or call the hotel.

Retreat Dates and Times:

Monday March 11th – Start 4:00pm to 8:00pm PT ending time may vary

TuesdayMarch 12th – Start 9:30am to 6:00pm PT ending time can vary.

Wednesday March 13th – Start 9:30 am to 6:00pm PT ending time may vary

In Person and Zoom, there will be some hiking time included. If you are not in person, you will take your personal hike. More on this when we are gathered.

Retreat Discount Private Light Session Package:

Start and continue your journey of love with a special additional offer.

Retreat – Light Session Package of 3 at a retreat discount of $825. This is a wonderful way to support yourself before and after if you are called to stay in this flow.

Looking Froward to seeing you in the Spring. If not sooner…

In Loving Service


Love Expansion…Each Breath Each Day – Celebrate You and All. Love is Present. Love is ALL… One Love…

Your roots are in The Beloved soil of love, let your love expand in Spirit, Let Spirit awaken in you in all ways. Love is Breathing you, each cell illuminating as you let go to the Light Love you are growing in and out to the Light. One Love Light…One Tree and all is of it. you can never be separate except in your illusion.

Happy Love day each day…

In Loving Service


Love Flow – Gratitude – Loving Typo Mistakes.. Corrections in this Viewing.

The essence of love grows through letting go of routines of right and wrong.

The idea of seperation is like the waves that come to surface during a storm or change in tides. All of the comings and goings never really separate from the ONE. Inside most humans experience from a perspective that life is happening outside of ones self, in a sense of separation. We experience within , we withhold Love by our own inner shut down. When disturbance or tides move, if we ride the shift in that moment and use it as a negative truth, we are taking a position that starts the withholding inside to ourselves. Going against the flow of the tide, that is offering an experience of expansion. We may move into resistance to be safe, through old lenses that perceive there has been betrayal or abandonment This probably will be emotional and mental. It will feel visceral and powerful. So we believe it to be true. This comes as a lifelong pattern. A signal…

What if you paused and opened yourself to love. Inner love, not righteous? What if you had an expanded knowing inside that whatever has taken place or is happening is revealing a place in you that withholds love to you. Expectations of others and Betrayal can seem devastating when you see the world around you as your guide. It is a reflection that reveals you. The world inside is the place all of your information is stored and reveals how you are in flow or not in flow of love. You will be shaken not to harm but, to give an opportunity to move to honesty in love. Where are you hiding, where are you withholding love in you to you. In a blink of an eye another may not respond how you want and you crumble. You take a mantle of good and bad, unforgivable. The tide ebbs and flows. Everyone has a process of taking care of themselves. Some lash out in blame and with -hold love to others and to themselves in that choice.

If you take time to pause and listen to the pain story you are telling yourself, and give voice to the part of you that has with-held love over and over to yourself and others, blaming them, ie parents, coworkers and anyone else, you will see how you with held love to you. You decided this keeps you safe. Could you know, no one is perfect. do you ever make mistakes? What do you do with that? Do you judge yourself, do you pretend you do not have that in you? What if you take time to be honest, not afraid to see and bring love to the places that are pretending to be “perfect”” in the way you perceive love should look. Love is an experience inside that keeps growing in flow, it does not need to inflict or control others to know love. It is present in the breath it has no limit, except in our humanness. Which is the design here. Letting go to a place within that goes beyond and receives in love and gives up in love and trust is available if we choose.

We all are of the infinite Divine Ocean of Love and Mercy. To experience this, we all have an opportunity to pause and accept what has come present is a gift, even if it is bumpy, the tide is moving. We have choice to let go in forgiveness, learning, let go to and ride the loving tide as your guide, revealing and healing the places that keep recreating the hurt and more. You hold this key. It is not about another person. Others can assist you to find your keys and doors to open to the flow. Things happen in this world, from the human view, it may seem confusing and hurtful. This is your opportunity to know Spirt, this is your journey to awaken Love. if you are willing, you will receive a gift of expanded love in the places that have been reflected in you as separate.. From there Grace happens and you know all is well, you are Beloved.

Open yourself to the Infinite tides of Love. Each bump has a Love message. A message in a bottle if you will. Open the bottles. Let all be revealed back to the Ocean Of Love and Mercy.

“God Bless you, I Love You Peace be still” J.R.

This song or prayer is a powerful tool, try singing it to yourself and to those you are in disturbance with. Let it flow in you. It is not about another person or situation it is in you.

Dance in the Light Bright.. You are Loved.

In Loving Service


Purpose – Love -Life



Are You Present? Are you free In Loving flow within, over- flowing in your life? Are you present in your breath, in you beingness. Is there space for you within or are you carrying the outside world, and all the people inside of you and experiences , as your source of inspiration – truth, is it noisy, and is it controlling you?


.. Are you just going through the motions in your life ? Are you in alignment within or abandoning yourself to the outer pull of the world ? Are you in Joy – are you inspired – uplifted? Do you trust Love? Do you Trust Yourself ? Do you trust support? Are you just going through the motions? What is your purpose? What is motivating you, the ideal of something outside of you finally filling you and then knowing you are a success, valued, loved, needed, worthy and more?

These are good questions to ask yourself. Do you actually take time to go within and know what voice you are listening to and following? Do you even know what voices you have? We have many levels of ourselves, and the costumes that we have created to ” try to fit in”, to be safe, to be loved, seem very real and they can become tight. We believe they are truth and we believe we are powerless to them.. Our day to day life is full of this. How you conduct yourself from within and how you react is all that is going on. How often do you actually go within, take time to be present ?

You are worth it – Take Time to come present

Take time to come present in the Light to free what has been running you for eons, that keeps you from living a loving free life within. which allows your outer life to reflect and flourish in new ways, support, grace, joy. This process is a daily opportunity. You are infinite and to take time for you is key to it all. You are love, you are Divine . How do you know this? . ” Pealing the onion.” Always easy to understand that. old phrase The scent of the Divine is sweet and full of love. To live a life from within in the flow of Lightlove is Divine sweetness.. Experiencing this is to let go of old patterns, beliefs, hurts, and more in this sacred process. You deserve to love yourself enough to be the love you seek.

Frequency of Love

New questions, are you present, are you in loving frequency inside ,? Are you in accord within Divine flow, and more. . Is it safe for you to be honest with yourself ? Is it safe for you take time and let down your guard in vulnerable love in you to you and all the parts that actually do not know Love? Bring them into the light and allow Love healing – grace?. Are you present and listening or pushing in control, in defense? are you holding onto an old life that is no longer serving you, maybe you don’t know what is uncomfortable and not allowing expansion in loving abundant creative flow. Are you present in Love. Are you living in the moment in loving.? Does Love Lead Your Life? Can you imagine Love holding all the power? It does… What is your purpose.? This life is a Divine ordinary / extraordinary expression of Love. what you choose is your universe. Letting go in Love is a flight that goes on in ways that cannot be put into words but, is an experience of Home in Infinite Love within you. You have to pause and be present.

Relax – Breathe in the Breath of Love… Allow Love to permeate the places of resistance. Be present, relax, quiet, open your heart. Be present in Love – be available to take part in harmony of Spirit. All is perfect. you do not need to be fixed – Lovelight is an expansion of sacred healing. This is a creative loving dance when it is allowed from within. Step away from doing

Step away from doing and Join me for private Light Sessions and allow yourself to take time out from the world and open the world within to the greater you – love – light and that will overflow into your life inspiration. 

This is a sacred time for you and I hold in this space to facilitate Light Doors that live in you and Spirit comes more forward as you are ready and you will have your experience. This gives a foundation as you start your journey back to you in a greater way.  Guidance comes from Spirit and you allow what you are you ready for, you will have tools by the experience. You have to choose to take time for you. The experience is one of polishing you awake in Love.

You are worth it, do you know this? Really know, not ego but, vulnerable love which is the power ?

In Loving Service
