Monthly Archives: April 2014


Hello All,
 There are still a few spaces available for this weekend retreat. This is an intimate sacred space, if you are called in your heart to be part of it, we would love to have you.
Due to construction, the May retreat dates have been modified: 
Friday, May 2: 3:00-6:30pm
Saturday, May 3: 9:30am-6:00pm
Sunday, May 4: 9:30am-6:00pm
Monday, May 5: 7:00-10:00am ( morning closing meditation is optional – Christi added this offering as an extra treat : )   
We are in constant change. The opportunity to lift our creation to the living light awareness is always at hand. When we become more attuned to this abundant source that we are and are of, this life , this creation , becomes more play. Even when we are in the middle of a challenging change, we have a deep knowing it is opening us to our unconditional loving light. There is unconditional support and power in the love.

Christi will guide you in the light with spirit as we come together bringing our loving forward. Through meditation, guided processes and processing , your pool of loving light will expand in your awareness . When we know the light as one, we become one with our true essence . It is not a belief , it is an experience. As we know this we have more access to the guidance and creation of the Inner Master with spirit.


Denise Zaverdas will bring her gentle guidance, leading you in 1.5 hours of yoga movement one day, to help the body release what is clearing.
There will also be time on the beach for clearing and movement. 

The intention of the retreat is to empower you within your own awareness of the light that you are, living through those spiritual eyes and breath.


The retreat will be held and housed at The Cottages in Carpinteria California, where we can all be together holding the light. This is a beautiful, playful cluster of bungalows located in the small town of Carpinteria, California just a few miles south of Santa Barbara and few blocks from the beach.
retreat cost is $550 plus food and lodging
information about the cottages on the VRBO site here
Chirsti’s website:
sign-up online at


“Grant that I may become beautiful in my soul within, and that all my external possessions may be in harmony with my inner self. “– PLATO

When we focus on the outside world as our source, we are looking into an illusion that will constantly change, also reflect the negativity we may carry . This can make us feel separate and anxious, as we try to look outside ourselves for ourselves and our loving abundance.

When we experience and know we are sourced of God as a Soul, we begin to focus into all that we are and all that is, through our loving eyes. We experience Loving abundance, no matter what is happening. From this place we move through our creations with an open heart and mind to grow, learn and become more of who we are in this world. Nothing can take this away, and we are not limited in any situation. 

What may seem like a limitation is only an opportunity to let go of the very thing that is telling you there is not enough, or you are not enough. Love those places within. It is all perfect, just love where you are. 

Gratitude is truly the elixir that brings us back into the moment of grace in abundance. From this place inside you will know true abundance.

All is well, you are the Divine of the Divine.


Walking your path awakening into your spirit.

This is a walk that is full of mystery that challenges all that seems real in this physical world.  It is not for the faint of heart, it is for the strong of loving and trust. We embody all that is and it is Divine. 

Trusting in what you can not see, letting what seems real slide aside, allowing the inspiration of spirit to come forward can be challenging yet, there is knowing in each step. A knowing of more in your heart and in your reality. 

There are times you will feel alone and confused, as you walk on your loving path.  When you are not sure is when there is more pushing forward do not abandon yourself, the window will open suddenly, you will know yourself more in spirit.  The world becomes bigger and brighter inside you and then it is in your experience in your outer creation. 

Stay close to your loving breath being breathed by God and you will walk in Grace and trust even when you are afraid .