Monthly Archives: August 2017



When we move into our freedom through Love, we loose control in the way of the world but, open to the unknown knowing. This is a very creative place that is not contained, yet it is in constant offering. Supply is Infinite, how you hold your inner world is the supply that is available. All of this is manifested in the Divine unknowing.

If you knew what you truly are , you would relax into the arms of the Divine Love that is generating all of this.

It can be a challenge to allow love to lead in your creativity – when we believe we will finally be happy or fulfilled by the outside world, we are focusing into the illusion – mentally and in lack. In this focus we rely on the limited reality of this world, forgetting we are the Source of the Source.  This world is temporary.

Going inward to open to the unknown knowing,  surrendering to the Beloved within for our guidance, we begin to let go of old patterns of illusion. Of separation – of lack. This is an experience of surrender, of being in the Now with no agenda but, Love. From this love we  create  a channel, a flow of Divine Presence within and co-create in the flow of the infinite supply. When we know this inside we are at peace and we walk in the moment in Grace no matter what may be happening. we let go of control in ease, gratitude and love.

Creating our own experience from fear or love it is our choice. To move inward, being with the stories that come forward while we  continue the focus on the Beloved Unknown can be liberating.  Lifting in the light, releasing these stories to the light.

I challenge you to let go in to the infinite unknown Love, and open to co-creating from this place. Receiving guidance in the quite will become ordinary.

The world is designed to change and challenge. When you choose to know the inner world is what it is all about, you will find the Peace, Love Freedom, and Abundance in all ways you are seeking.

You have the keys within – the infinite Design resides within you. The Beloved Song sings you, you must attune to this, you must be willing to be. There is play, joy, and love overflowing in this place. You are Love – You are of the Infinite Love. This is unknown to the mind. you can not grab this, it is an experience,  it is not still it is full and moving.

Challenge yourself to be Love and go within to know this.

Always on and in the Journey of the Infinite Divine Love…


Are You Interested?


“Can you imagine how you love God with your body and mind? How about the Soul? If you haven’t had an intimate relationship with your Soul, how do you know how it loves? So you’ve got a step prior to loving with your Soul, and that’s to find out what it is.”

-John-Roger, DSS

This is the awakening of yourself as the Beloved of the Beloved already is as one. Beyond the personality.

Open – Let Go – Flow – Give – Receive

Spirit is not possessive, it is all and no one person can claim it, we all claim it when we are ready to let go, as it already is.

Relax – Love – Let Go

Happy Monday

Love Light


Where You Place Your Focus

Lately I am very aware of ambiguity in the World and this makes me aware of my own places of separation from the Divine with-in.

I have become more clear in this and I am also aware of the inconsistent creation in sharing around the light. When I  encounter others who hesitate, I look inside to see my own hesitations. When I free those places it may not result in others stepping in freedom yet, it is  freedom that opens me to more flow of God and I am now having new experiences  in abundance in my world, in the unknown. It is not about the outer world being perfect, it is about my inner world being free in Love in Spirit.

This is not just me but, many want to be free, yet hold tightly to control, physical, mental and emotional patterns. Comfort zones are being pushed to open in Freedom in the inner world. This is where Freedom is found. This is where the love is found, this is where God is Found.

What are we holding onto that makes our decisions for us? The illusion? Why don’t we trust the heart, the light?

What if you could focus on the Light as your answer and be open to the Light always having the answer, the place that is the knowing –  unknown. Rather than focusing on the physical world that has been reflecting the limited reality. Change happens on the inner, this is where the true alchemy lies. You can move, divorce, loose weight, gain weight, all of this is only temporary change. The Change you are seeking is within and that is You, the Divine Awakening. The Infinite God is where the perfection reigns.

Take a moment and look around you and see how you are making choices, what do you do to make choices? Are you guided in ease and freedom in Spirt or are you retracted looking around you measuring your physical in limited Heart and holding onto that as your answer? What is present is temporary – there is always change.

I challenge you to let go and be still, not controlled still, still in Love and open to flow of Spirit and ask the question you may have. Don’t be locked into an obvious answer, your gift may be one that confuses you, and you have to be willing to be confused when moving with and to the light. This is where you know you are taken care of, dancing in the Love Song of God, as you are One.

So Dance in the Light and Give it up and Receive…In Flow Love – Joy – Abundance- Unseen yet know within, then More…

In Loving Song




Reflect Within Where It All  Is…Inspired Workshop – Sunday August 13th, 2017 


Reflect Within Where It All  Is…Workshop 
Location Carpinteria, Ca.
 Sunday August 13th, 2017  
12:30pm  to 6:00pm
I am offering another opportunity to gather together and reflect inward and in sharing.
This is a in the moment – inspired offering,  and what better way to spend a day. Inspired in the Light in the Love…
We will go inward, opening to the unknown knowing, of Love – Light , Peaceful inspiration. this includes meditation and sharing in process.
Tuition $300.00
Love to have you join in this place of sharing and caring.
Let me know by email  or phone 415-606-4883
In Gratitude and Love Always…

Thirty One Days of Love Letters

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I have an offering of love that is present to share.

We are awakening ourselves to the love that is present at all times, it Breathes us.

To come into contact or awareness of this loving, we must place our focus on this Love within. We do this in every breath, and be willing to explore all places of our inner self through Loving eyes, thought and being.

So I have a Loving challenge for you.

Write yourself a Love letter or Love note every day for 31 days. Even if it is just a Love word, take the time to pause in loving, and share this loving with yourself.

This challenge is to commit to 31 Days of Love Letter Writing,.

1) Make this a simple yet purposeful process.

2) Make this an experience of beauty and kindness.

3) Choose a journal, paper or pad, whatever moves you to write in this Loving process. .

3) When things get challenging, this is the perfect time to pause and read your love notes,  letters and write a new one if you have time. Make the time later.

4) Write love notes or letters to the part of you that may be feeling down, lost or off.

5) Then be aware of how you are within as you walk through your day.

6) Please feel free to share your experience here on my site, I would love to here and share your experiences.

So as I say, Be the Love and Share the love, Starting with yourself .

In love, Light and Gratitude
