Monthly Archives: June 2019



Inspiration is With-In.

While we walk in a world that seems so real and seems to have power over us, we actually are available to knowing more than the levels of this world through our single vision. What if you knew and saw an ever new expanding experience of yourself though the Lens of the Light of Spirit? What if you knew, not just knew the words but, knew in the  experience  in yourself,  the Beloved that you are and are of?

Co-Creating a life of expansion not through power and games of control or possessiveness but, through letting go and up-liftment. Inspiration through Love, allowing the norm to be broken apart, upgrading your reality within and creating a life of new possibilities .

When we do the inner work of Spirit – with Spirit we open ourselves to realignment and our realties become dual. We begin to build a bridge that aligns us in Spirit,  being able to touch and know the Spirit, this opens us to inspiration in our physical life from and in the Spirit. This takes commitment to yourself in Spirit. It is not  a once a week or once a year endeavor. It is Daily all day…in every breath.

This is a life of awakening ourselves home while walking in this physical form.

Take time to go within – take time to alchemy the places that are asleep in separation. There are infinite possibilities for this, and as we open to the Divine, we discover the illusions that keep holding us in illusion, in separation inside. When we let go inside we find the experience of need becomes less and we find our patients and willingness to be available to inspiration is more natural. No push, just relaxation and alignment within.

Be present with the presence – allow yourself to awaken, take time to be present.

You are the key to what you are seeking and experiencing, we do not try and control others to get what we want or just follow with no sense of the Inner connection. If we do this we  will find ourselves in more turmoil, no worries this is just information an opportunity to let go of Karma, the patterns that are holding us in more lack and separation inside. When we clear these places we begin to experience our lives in Grace- creating more harmony and moving through disharmony in more ease, using it all for our expansion our up–liftment. We experience the Light even when things are being challenged.

Every breath is an opportunity . Let Go and Allow the Grace the Love.

In Loving Service


Love of Self – Acceptance of All of You


Taking time to be with you, to open the doors of all the hidden places that you have ignored or denied, hoping they would just go away, is key to self care, which is self Love.

Acceptance in yourself all of yourself is a challenge for most. I am not talking about righteousness to protect but, gentle patients, and taking time to go within and allow you to blossom through healing and awakening the Divine within all parts of you.

Remember – be mindful even in the Breath you take, it has and is Divine Breath. Be aware and you will begin to open to your own self awareness. It may feel uncomfortable at first but, if you will trust the steps, as you open to you in Love, you will find what you are seeking. It is all with you in you, to know this, you must be present with you.

You may find the pull from the outer relationships challenge this, but do not worry you are loved and supported as you choose you as you expand in this awareness. Trust in Love, are you choosing in love or something of an against nature? Love is not about pleasing others or even others pleasing you, it is a flow that is infinite. You are Love, to know the Divine love, is know where you are and what you are, who you are is perfect in all your imperfections, to know you are full and not alone as you are the Beloved of the Beloved that is Breathing you.

You will become more comfortable with being with you as you. you will find the places you have disconnected from, to not be present with you. You may find a need to shift yourself and choose how you spend your time in new ways. Change is constant.

Be Love, choose love and this love grows – flows from within. There will be overflow once you attune to this inner flow and you will find peace within, without the pull of need. Be present in the Presence and all is…

Take Care of yourself – Awaken the Divine within. This is a life journey of Divine – Self discovery.